Thursday, April 13, 2006

back from the abyss

It's been a while. Too long perhaps. So lets get started, shall we?

The problem with karma is that there is no measuring stick. You don't know when things have balanced back out, or even how things measure up relative to each other. The best you have to go on is your intuition, and it can be skewed by hope or expectation. The truly unfortunate thing is that there is no solution to this issue - you can only do the best you can to moderate it. It does make me wonder though... is a person more akin to overvalueing a good action or undervalueing a bad one?

I have no significant complaints about life right now. Things are going pseudo-smoothly (very smoothly if you remove my mind from the equation) with no real expectation of turblance in the near future. I'm still trying to learn how to wake up early on a consistant basis, but that's a relatively minor complaint. I've also got to get out of debt, but compared to some of the things in the past, that too is rather minor.

Most of the things in life involve choice. You see a set of options, you choose a subset to perform. Thus, the concept of free will. A thought that just occured to me though, is that you have no choice in emotion. You feel what you feel, you cannot nearly as well dictate it. Given, some things may be governable to some degree, but the more powerful the emotion, the less control you have over it at a concious level. A person never asks for emotions, they are given to them.

I'm going to stop with that now. I feel like i'm tapping a bomb with a hammer, and that is just silly.

You know, I wonder if anyone actually reads this.

Then again, I wonder if it should matter.


Blogger bobbiestan said...

i read it, you sandspur!

7:09 PM  
Blogger Jim said...

A thought that just occured to me though, is that you have no choice in emotion. You feel what you feel, you cannot nearly as well dictate it. Given, some things may be governable to some degree, but the more powerful the emotion, the less control you have over it at a concious level. A person never asks for emotions, they are given to them.

Got to disagree with you here. IMHO, the ability to control our emotions is one of the things that makes us most human. Now if I could just figure out how.

9:58 AM  

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