Wednesday, December 07, 2005

ponderings of what is to come

december is usually a busy month. not bad persay, but busy nonetheless. but, to follow my innate nature, i tend to fill dead space up as much as i can with extra activity. i shouldn't complain, like i said, busy - not bad. and i'm not complaining, just stating the obvious. it's just that i'm used to being able to dictate schedules somewhat, or atleast have some input. so when that power is taken away from me, i feel helpless. i guess i should just enjoy the ride. worst case for me right now is the status quo, which, quite frankly, is something i can deal with. best case... well, i'm not sure yet. i'll figure it out.

i have an accounting final tonight. i'm not really that worried about it, even though i barely know what's on it. i'm predicting another 85. that will be more than satasfactory. 75 is the minimum i need for a B. 65 for a C. i can so do this.

december, being what we refer to as the 12th month, is a good time for reflection upon the year. i've been thinking about it for a bit and wondering what i have learned over the last 12 months. the first thing i've learned is the importance of standing tall for yourself. last year, i was too weak. i thought it was the high road, but it was just being weak. the more important lesson i've learned is how dear my friends truely are to me. they all know who they are, so no point in doing a roll call. i've learned much from them and have shared several good experiences, and look foreward to many more antics in the years to come. it's been a while since i've felt this, and the feeling didn't really set on me until last night, but i am very blessed. i'm not sure if i deserve it. i doubt i do, but i'm not going to complain.


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